Parking hack to reduce your carbon footprint

I’m sure this happens to all of us on a regular basis. You arrive at a busy town, find it impossible to park, and end up stressed and late for whatever you had planned. On a recent visit to Marlborough, this happened to me, taking so long to find a space that I almost gave up and went home.

Recent research from revealed that in the last six months, around 30% of UK drivers were arriving late at their destination as a result of having to drive around looking for somewhere to park. A further 38% state that they spend up to 10 minutes each week searching for parking.

On 22nd April, it was International Earth Day, an annual day that is designed to demonstrate and make us think about supporting environmental protection. As part of its study, assessed the damage that searching for parking is doing to the environment, with around 12.6 million cars a week increasing their carbon footprint unnecessarily, based on a total of 33.2 million cars on UK roads.

How do we combat this? Brannan Coady, CEO of, has highlighted how pre-booking a parking spot is a quick and easy solution that will not only reduce your stress levels but reduce your carbon footprint as well. He commented: “Whether you’re driving a petrol, diesel, or electric vehicle, if you’re crawling around a car park or street searching for a space to park, then you’re still using energy unnecessarily. You don’t even need to pre-book months in advance as there are usually free spots available if you look just before you leave for where you need to be.”

A key point of International Earth Day is to educate and focus on the small things that people can do to help reduce their individual impact in contributing to climate change.

To find out how you can pre-book your parking spot, visit

Words: Mike Booth

Pictures: YourParkingSpace


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